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HIV testing and resources

San Mateo County HIV van
testing on demand

Testing on Demand means that you can call the testing van counselors to arrange a time and location to meet for a test or results.

Our services include

  • HIV screening (standard and rapid testing)
  • Hepatitis C Sscreening
  • Syphilis screening

Confidential and anonymous testing. Call today at 650.619.9125

Pruebas al lugar mas conveniente significa que tu puedes llamar a la caminoeta para pruebas de VIH y acordar un lugar conveniente en donde un consajero te encontrará para hacerte una prueba o darte los resultados.

Nuestros servicios incuyen

  • Pruebas de VIH (comunes y rápidas)
  • Pruebas de Hepatitis C
  • Pruebas de Sífilis

Ofrecemos pruebas confidenciales y anónimas. ¡Llama hoy! 650.619.9125

San Mateo County

Planned Parenthood | South San Francisco, San Mateo, Redwood City

Outside San Mateo County

National HIV, STD, and Hepatitis Testing

Fast, free, and confidential testing near you. Visit the site, and type in your zip code to find your closest clinic.

Recursos nacionales para las pruebas del VIH y las Enfermedades Transmitidas Sexualmente

Fast, free, and confidential testing near you. Visit the site, and type in your zip code to find your closest clinic.

Disclaimer | We are providing this as information only. Inclusion of an organization, program, or service on this list does not imply endorsement, nor are we liable for errors of omission in publishing this list. Information and/or content at links to third party services from this site, is in no way an affiliation, endorsement, support or approval of the third party.

“The beauty of standing up for your rights is others see you standing and stand up as well.”
~Cassandra Duffy, advice columnist